Looking for information about filing FAFSA for the 2025-2026 academic year? Bring the student's and parents. FSA IDs, student's chromebook to complete the application, Federal and State tax returns for parents if you want help complete NY State TAP application. Create your FSA ID by January 29th to be certain you have it in time. (See QR code or go to: https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch).
Beat the winter blahs with family swim night!
DON’T FORGET: The Circus is Coming to Town!
Monday, January 13th, 6:30 p.m. in the Wayland-Cohocton Field House. If you purchased advance-sale tickets they will be sent home on January 10th or January 13th. If you didn't, that's okay, you can get at-the-door tickets for $20 for 1 adult with two children ages 12 and under. This event is sponsored by the Wayland-Cohocton Administrative Association to benefit the WCAA Future Educator Scholarship fund.
Check out these great opportunities offered through ProAction: Parenting in a Digital World, Good Grief (the stages of grief), The Boy, Man and Patriarch (fatherhood connection and where men find purpose and identity), Strengthening Families Program. Also, find the Mobile Family Resource Center schedule for Cohocton at the WC Prekindergarten School. If you have any questions, please use the contact information on the fliers.
Happy New Year!
Looking for some ideas for the holiday recess? Here are just a few on a Bingo board you can do at home!
Happy Holidays from everyone at Wayland-Cohocton Central School!
Have you signed up yet? This is free and available to the community! Join the WCCS Wellness Team in some post-holiday healthy opportunities with this challenge. Everyone is welcome to participate. Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/flashpgoodlife to take part.
Check out this PreK4 opportunity!
If you haven't already done so, please remember to vote.
WCCS Families: 12/17 Update: Route 415 has been reopened. However, Davis Hollow is still shut down and therefore there will be transportation there. Please be aware of possible delays. All school facilities have power.
WCCS Families: Due to power line issues this morning, bus 55 will be very delayed this morning 12/17. There will be no pick-ups on Route 415 between Davis Hollow and South Dansville Street or on Davis Hollow until the issue is resolved. All school facilities have power.
The Circus is Coming to Town!
Monday, January 13th at 6:30 p.m. in the Wayland-Cohocton Field House
Middle School, Elementary School and Prekindergarten School students will be coming home with information and ticket order sheets. Families can complete the ticket order form and return it to school with your child. Advanced-sale tickets will be sent home on January 10th or January 13th.
Advanced-sale tickets are $15 for 1 adult with two children ages 12 and under; $5 for students ages 13-17; and at-the-door tickets are $20 for 1 adult with two children ages 12 and under. This event is sponsored by the Wayland-Cohocton Administrative Association to benefit the WCAA Future Educator Scholarship fund.
National Honor Society Members MaryLi Nielsen and Johnathan Lander load up donations recently collected for the Wayland Food Pantry. The NHS-sponsored collection was made during the Drama Club’s recent production and focused on providing baking supplies to the pantry.
The Wayland-Cohocton Holiday Helpers Committee was able to coordinate and distribute 79 complete Thanksgiving meals to families in the WCCS community. The meals were made possible because of the generosity of individuals, organizations and businesses from our community as well as the WCCS faculty and staff. The committee would like to thank the Wayland Food Mart, in particular, for all it does to help meet these goals.
Join Wayland-Cohocton Elementary for some spirited fun next week!
Middle School PageTurners competition at Wayland-Cohocton is cancelled today.
Join the WCCS Wellness Team in some post-holiday healthy opportunities with this challenge. Everyone is welcome to participate. Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/flashpgoodlife to take part. It is FREE and open to the community!
WCCS NHS Is conducting a collection drive to benefit Catholic Charities of Steuben and Livingston Counties to assist those needing some extra help during the holidays.
Please join us for a public information meeting on Thursday, December 12th at 6 pm in the LGI. Information will be shared regarding the proposed capital project scheduled to go before voters on Tuesday, December 17th. Information will include the various elements of the project and how the project is being funded. We hope to see you there.